Course Overview
Learning the SQL language is one of the most basic tasks required for the use of a relational database. SQL proficiency is essential for business users, database developers, database administrators and any other database professional. This course introduces the basics of the SQL language and the Oracle Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). One will become acquainted with the differences in the working environment between a traditional on-premise database installation and the Oracle database service cloud-computing platform.
Since SQL is an industry standard language, many of the topics presented and many of the skills you will acquire will be applicable to other database platforms, such as Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, the open-source databases MySQL and PostgreSQL, and others.
This course takes a unique approach to SQL training in that it incorporates data modeling theory, relational database theory, graphical depictions of theoretical concepts and numerous examples of actual SQL syntax into one learning vehicle.

Course Objectives
Course Prequisites
Target Audience
The target audience for this textbook is all Oracle professionals, both business and systems professionals. Among the specific groups for whom this textbook will be helpful are:
- Business and non-IT professionals
- Application designers and database developers
- Business Intelligence (BI) analysts and consumers
- Database administrators
- Web server administrators
Course Outline
Relational Databases & Data Models
- About Data Models
- About the Relational Model
- The Electronics Data Model
- About the Relational DBMS
Selection & Setup of the Database Interface
- Considering Available Tools
- Selecting the Appropriate Tool
- Oracle NET Database Connections
- Oracle PAAS Database Connections
- Setup SQL Developer
- Setup SQL*PLUS
- Setup JDeveloper
Using the Database Interface
- About BIND & SUBSTITUTION Variables
- Using SQL Developer
- Using SQL*PLUS
Introduction to The SQL Language
- About the SQL Language
- Characteristics of SQL
- Introducing SQL Using SELECT
- SQL Rules
The SELECT Statement
- The SELECT Statement
- Using ALIAS Names
Restricting Results With the WHERE Clause
- About Logical Operators
- EQUALITY Operator
- Boolean Operators
- IN Operator
Sorting Data With the ORDER BY Clause
- About the ORDER BY Clause
- Multiple Column Sorts
- Specify the Sort Sequence
- About NULL Values Within Sorts
- Using COLUMN Aliases
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