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CCIE Collaboration Certification and Training

Exams and recommended training

To earn CCIE Collaboration, you pass two exams: a qualifying exam and hands-on lab exam.

Step 1: Pass the qualifying exam

Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR 350-801)

The qualifying exam, Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies, focuses on your knowledge of collaboration infrastructure.

The qualifying exam earns a specialist certification, so you can get recognized for your accomplishments along the way.

Recommended training:
Implementing and Operating Cisco Collaboration Core Technologies (CLCOR)

Step 2: Pass the lab exam

CCIE Collaboration v3.0

This 8-hour hands-on lab exam covers the end-to-end lifecycle of complex collaboration infrastructure, from designing and deploying to operating and optimizing.

Course Prequisites

There are no formal prerequisites for CCIE Collaboration, but you should have a thorough understanding of the exam topics before taking the exam.

CCIE candidates are recommended to have five to seven years of experience with designing, deploying, operating and optimizing collaboration technologies and solutions prior to taking the exam.

What Our Students Have to Say

"As a client of Makintouch, I would recommend the company as a leading PC-based training school. When we needed half day courses to fit the schedules of our employees they were able to customize them to meet our company’s needs" – Java Struts
Taiwo Alaka
I would recommend this course as it is up to date with the current release which is quite rare as things move on so fast. The classroom set up worked well and the labs were good and relevant to the course.’ – Oracle
Kayode Akinpelu
Stanbic IBTC