A premiere event where experienced AWS developers will educate you about the career opportunities in the AWS Cloud.
This first of its kind event, organized by the only accredited training partner for AWS in Nigeria (Makintouch Consulting) is an event that brings together various individuals from different industries, to not only educate you about the career opportunities in the AWS Cloud, but to also assit you with the necessary information requeired to build with AWS, Secure your dream job as an AWS enthusiasts, and make the best of the cloud.
We have put together professionals with years of experience with AWS and they would be engaging you on some many areas.
Public Speaker and AWS Certified Instructor. Present DevOps Engineer at HeleCloud, Owns a license and is certified as an AWS Instructor, also certified as Math concepts for developers and Linux System Administrator. Master of Science from Technische Universitat Braunschweig, Bachelor of Science from Technical University of Sofia
Introduction to Cloud and AWS
Overview of AWS Services
Security and Compliance Overview
POWERED BY Makintouch Consulting